Why is it important to perform customer listening?
The increased willingness of people to share opinions, desires, frustrations, etc. in different sources have provided companies the opportunity to be more aware of what customers want. Customer listening has turned into a popular and almost mainstream practice due to the possibility to have aggregated views that highlight trends that can be translated into insights that can drive actionability.
These are some of the several uses and benefits that customer listening can provide:
- An adequate customer-centered product design
- Market acceptance tracking early after product launch
- Products are optimized considering the pain point of customers in your industry
- Your product or the overall category (monitoring) is continuously tracked — brand health
- An optimal marketing campaign design that connects emotions with users
- Emergent and growing trends in the market are identified
Here are some tips on how to find the right drivers while doing customer listening.
CodeCheck Insights tips:
- Small is also important. Focus not only on your direct competitor or companies with the biggest market shares but also on the smaller brands (products) that are sometimes the ones changing the market dynamics. Analyze competitor brands for what is making them popular.
- Topics of interest. Segment user feedback. Try to focus on topics that are of interest to your brand strategy. Today, for example, this is sustainable packaging. Try to segment user feedback into categories and see which category influences product growth. Go beyond your brand and competition.
- Listen by user segments. The aggregate view is important, but understanding the different market segments can provide more insightful data.
- Claims for marketing campaigns. Customers are extremely creative. Do not miss any opportunity to collect claims that can work for marketing and communication.
- Identifying trends. Identify a group or segment that sets the trends; for example, a group of early adopters of new flavors in beverages.
- Continuous tracking. Stay in touch with the latest updates and details about users’ interactions with your products. This is not a one-time thing.
- Track in a suitable platform. Find the places where your target users are; for example, young users, conscious consumers. If you want to find drivers about conscious consumption (environment and health), CodeCheck Insights is a good option!
CodeCheck Insights customer listening
CodeCheck Insights can support with unbiased and deep segmentable customer listening (the consumer of tomorrow -> conscious consumers).
- This is a platform where over 3 million conscious consumers interact and share their opinions about products, brands, and trending topics of interest.
- We can aggregate insights by category, brand, or product and user segment, as well as benchmarking options.
- Track sentiment analysis by personalized attributes (organic, taste, ingredients, packaging, smell, benefits, etc.)
- Track trends through identified user groups of early adopters. We have identified more than 5,000 early adopters who are highly engaged with the CodeCheck platform.
- Track POS actions and what is going on in the minds of consumers directly in front of the shelf where they choose some products and leave others.
- Continuously track the interaction of conscious consumers with new products to test product performance and level of acceptance in the market.
- Users with diet lifestyles and ingredient preferences are making statements and setting the trends for more conscious shopping.
Looking for tailor-made insights on conscious consumers for your company?