Die rund 3,5 Millionen Nutzer der CodeCheck App legen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und möchten genau wissen, was in Produkten enthalten ist, die sie kaufen. Ihr Lebensstil und das Kaufverhalten sind geprägt von dem Wunsch nach mehr Gesundheit – sowohl für sich selbst als auch für die Zukunft der Erde.
In dieser monatlichen Auswertung von CodeCheck Insights zeigen wir, welche Produkte in der CodeCheck Community vergangenen Monat besonders hohe Interaktionswerte hatten (Scannen, Suchen, Anzeigen von Produktseiten, Kommentieren, Abstimmen und Bewerten) und somit für viel Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt haben.
Hautpflege im Fokus
Die Top 5 wurden im Oktober durch Hautpflegeprodukte dominiert: Allein vier von fünf der Produkte zählen zu dieser Kategorie: Kneipp Körperöl Hautzart, Speick Natural Seife, Greendoor Deo Creme und Aok Tagescreme mattierend mit weißem Tee. CodeCheck ist eine der zentralen Anlaufstellen für Verbraucher, die auf der Suche nach haut- und umweltfreundlichen Produkten für die Körperpflege sind. Während Kneipp, Aok und Speick bei vielen Verbrauchern schon seit Jahren eine große Markenbekanntheit haben, punktet Greendoor durch eine neue Produktinnovation. Ein hoher Interaktionswert heißt nicht zwangsläufig, dass alle Nutzer mit den Produkten zufrieden sind, sondern er zeigt auch die Streitbarkeit der Produkte: Zu jedem Hautpflegemittel gibt es auch negative Stimmen aus der Community.
Das einzige Nicht-Hautpflegeprodukt in der Top 5 ist der Soya Drink Original mit Calcium von Alpro Soya. Das Getränk dient vielen bewussten Konsumenten als praktische Milch-Alternative. Nicht nur Veganer verzichten auf Kuhmilch, auch laktoseintolerante Menschen suchen entsprechende Alternativen.
Hier die Top 5 im Einzelnen inklusive Top-Kommentare aus der CodeCheck-Community
1. Kneipp Body Oil Delicate Skin
The Kneipp Body Oil Delicate Skin is an intensely nourishing skin oil with high-quality almond oil for long-lasting moisture and a velvety feel.
Review by the CodeCheck community: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Top comments:
“Leaves a nice ‘glow’ on the skin.”
"Also good as a hair conditioner.”
“Has an extremely soft, long-lasting scent, and also makes your skin supple.”
“Absorbs quickly, leaving a pleasant feeling; best seller for the budget-minded.”
However, palm oil content has elicited some critical comments. And some community members complain of itching, but those are isolated cases.
Speick Natural is a natural, mild cleansing soap with the classic scent of Speick.
Review by the CodeCheck community: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Top comments:
"I think Speick is awesome and one of the few organic soaps that contain NO palm oil. That's why I buy it."
"Nice, pleasant scent."
"The soap is very pleasant and nourishes the skin."
However, the CodeCheck community is divided over the presence of CI 15850. CodeCheck classifies this dye as 'unsafe' because dyes and pigments have different solubility behaviors. A low degree of oral toxicity has been demonstrated in animal experiments. For this reason, some user comments have been negative. Other users, however, consider CI 15850 to be harmless.
3. Soya Drink Original with Calcium
Soya Drink Original with calcium is a soya-based drink that is enriched with calcium and vitamins.
Review by the CodeCheck community: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Top comments:
"Tasty, best milk substitute, and foams great for cappuccino/latte macchiato. You'll love the light vanilla flavor."
"Best soymilk; it is vegan and has vitamin B12."
"Very tasty, goes well with almost anything, and foams great."
However, some CodeCheck users find that the product contains sugar and is not organic. The manufacturer has already recognized this challenge and has introduced a bio-version of the product.
Greendoor Deo Cream prevents the decomposition of fresh sweat.
Review by the CodeCheck community: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Top comments:
"Best deodorant effect ever."
"Smells great, and is the best alternative to traditional deodorants. It is extremely rich and fairly long-standing."
"It really works. Smells like fresh bed linen."
Another positive aspect for many users is that the product is also available in the dm drugstores. On the other hand, it has received some negative comments regarding its complicated application and high price. Users also complain that the product does not work as well as it should, causes itching, and the packaging contains plastic.
5.Aok Day Cream Matt with White Tea
Aok Day Cream with White Tea is ideal for combination skin and has a formula based on natural ingredients.
Review by the CodeCheck community: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Specific comments:
"The cream absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film on the skin. The smell is very pleasant, and it can also be used as a make-up base (primer)."
"Good care for impure skin."
"Based on vegan ingredients and comes in a glass jar."
On the other hand, the CodeCheck community criticizes the presence of palm oil and silicones — a criticism that many cosmetic manufacturers are currently facing and which needs to be addressed.
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